Wednesday, 17 September 2008

2008 Science in the Making - Radio 4

Two programmes on the practice of science with philosopher Stephen Webster for BBC Radio 4.
You can listen again at the BBC

2008 Global Warming

Advisor in development of "Global Warming" with playwright Ben Musgrave and Y-Touring for sixth form students

2008 Talking Science - the cycle of learning

One day workshop at the Dana Centre on facilitating public engagement for early career scientists co-organised with Dr. Leigh Wilson (Wingate lab) and the European Dana Alliance for the Brain - Chairman and Speaker

2007 Public lectures

"Visual Culture and Bioscience" sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences - participant in an experimental virtual symposium

"Art and Biomedicine: Beyond the Body" - one day symposium at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen - speaker

‘Biomedicine and Aesthetics in a Museum Context’ - workshop participant and steering committee member at the Medical Museion, Copenhagen

2006 Public lectures

Society for Science, Literature and the Arts (SLSA) 4th European Biannual Conference, Amsterdam - plenary speaker with Andrew Carnie

"Natural Design: Theory, History, Practice" Oxford University Continuing Education one day symposium - speaker

2006 Neuroculture: Common Senses

Neuroculture, Westport Arts Centre - Magic Forest in group exhibition reviewed in New York Times

2005 Simply Complex

"Simply Complex (enfach komplex - Bildbaume und Baumbilder in der Wissenschaft)" at the Zurich Design Museum - drawings, timelapse movies and models exhibited alongside Andrew Carnie's Magic Forest.

Exhibition reviewed by Martin Kemp in Nature

2004 Complex Brain

Complex Brain - a second collaborative project with Andrew Carnie
funded by a Medicine in Society Award from the Wellcome Trust uses two rotating data projectors and a ircular screen. It was exhibited at the BA Science Festival in Exeter and in Slices and Snapshots at the Stanley Picker Gallery, Kingston University.

2002 Magic Forest

Magic Forest - collaboration with Andrew Carnie resulted in his development of a slide dissolve installation based on ideas and imagery of neuronal development for "Head On" at the Science Museum.

This work was reviewed by Martin Kemp in Nature and the prompted a debate with Lewis Wolpert in the Observer.

A static version of Magic Forest is on permanent display at the Wellcome Collection

It was also exhibited in 2002 at the Rotterdam Film Festival "Exploding cinema: -stat.ic"

Commentaries on our collaboration and Magic Forest can be found in these books:

Ede, S. (2004). Art and Science. London: I. B. Tauris.

Wildevuur, S. E. (2009). Invisible Vision. Could Science Learn from the Arts? Houten, NL: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.

Wilson, S. (2010). Art and Science Now. London: Thames and Hudson.